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Snap of my fingers

Snap of my fingers

Weirdest thing that happened to me was I was high as balls in my apartment with my girl. It's an amazing time. I am in love, in my first NYC apartment which we shared. So happy, feeling connected, at flow, things were just clicking into place all over. I'm feeling filled up by it,this weird feeling of strong connection to... I dunno, life I suppose. I get up to go to the bathroom, without even thinking I say out loud "Aaannd my dad texts me" and snap my fingers.

Just then my phone goes off, it's a text from dad, a man who I hardly speak to and who until that point had texted me maybe once before in my life. Girlfriend and I share a long moment of WTF. I have no idea how to explain this.
anonymous High September 23, 2020 at 2:25 pm 0
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