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People in Woods

People in Woods

When I was 14–15yrs old. Me and a friend were walking home through the woods. It was summer, a fog rolled in. The path was adjacent to a very large cemetery. We could see about 10–15 ft in front of us. We had snuck out of his house and were now arttempting to get back home before anyone woke up, it was around 2–3am. We rounded a large tree when all of a sudden there were 4 people standing there in front of us.Mind you, we were very deep in the woods, they were dressed very nicely, like they were going to a ball or something formal. The hair on the back of my neck was standing straight up, I was paralyzed with fear for a moment. My rational sense was trying to work it out in that split second, but I couldn’t do it. There they were just looking at us, and we at them, 5–10ft apart. I spoke and said, “wow, you guys scared the shit out of us!” We got no reply, just stares, once again, “what are you guys doing out here so far in the woods?” Still, more silence. We started to move past them on the path and I noticed that they were standing off the path in shrubs. We got about 5 ft past them and I turned slightly to say something else, and they were gone!We were not so far away that we could not see them if they started down the path we walked up on, yet they were gone, vanished. I can’t explain it to this day. My friend and I really never discussed it after that, but he too saw them.
DH Ghosts September 23, 2020 at 2:12 pm 0
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Creepy Creepy Creepy !
anonymous 4 years ago
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